Eminem in his song, “lose yourself”, states that there is only “one shot” in life, and urges us to “not miss [our] chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime”.
Eminem believes that we should live and endure our dear occasions with full potential. Only then, we’ll be able to create memories that we can look back to. We at Canadabkeh aim to make your event a memorable one because “this opportunity comes once in a lifetime”.
Haytham & Zaid
Canadabkeh was founded by Haytham and Zaid Alhamaydeh, two brothers from Palestine Nablus. At times where both thought that the dabke culture was not active in Vancouver, they decided to look for passionate individuals who would share and pursue the vision of bringing joy to the community through zaffe chants and loud dabke footwork.
The team !
Canadabkeh consists of a women’s dabke team and a men’s dabke team who work closely to establish a functional well-rounded dabke representation.
We are known for our diverse performances where both teams are found to either perform solely or together depending on the requirements of encounters requested.
Equal involvement of Women and Men in cultural representation
Fight ethnocentricity
Solidify the dabke identity and Stand Against its extinction
Call for unity
Bring joy to events in the community
Provide a mentorship environment within the team
Call for an active arabic community and leave a tradem